
In case you haven't noticed, there is an additional child in our family photo. I would like you all to meet the newest member of our family. She is the pretty little 7 year old in the purple dress. "Eloise" now has a little sister. We have decided to call her, "Amelia Bedelia".

Monday, June 25, 2012


Don't automatically shred your junk mail.

Luckily my hubby opened this one.
I usually just shred if it looks like junk.

This was the easiest $5 I ever earned.
All I had to do was write "zero"
in the slot that asked how many T.V. 
sets we have in our home.

I also filled in the box that asked 
why the viewing journal wasn't complete.

I sealed the post paid packet 
and will hand it to the mail lady
when she passes tomorrow.

 I read everything and 
the company is ok with
 people keeping the money, 
as long as they mail the survey back.

I posted the links for the "squash books"
at the end of my previous post.

Also, if anybody used the "liquid hand soap" recipe I posted a few months back, I have added instructions(to the original post) on how to fix the consistency problem you may be experiencing.
Link to original post:

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