
In case you haven't noticed, there is an additional child in our family photo. I would like you all to meet the newest member of our family. She is the pretty little 7 year old in the purple dress. "Eloise" now has a little sister. We have decided to call her, "Amelia Bedelia".

Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Lovely Idea....

Our Ladies' Department Borrowed a lovely idea from another church in our fellowship. We threw a big Birthday Bash in honor of all our ladies. Guests were seated according to the season they were born in. For example, the bottom right picture that features beach balls and twirly wind thingys hanging from the ceiling, is the Summer Babies' table.

Each lady prepared a dish or a desert.
The Mini Cup Cake Tower was my contribution.
I must pause here and thank my mother-in-law
for helping me finish those little guys.
She is pictured in the top left photo adding shimmer sprinkles.


I had a blast.
The food was delicious, the games hilarious, and the memories priceless.
Thank you Sisters:
Danita, Jennifer, Betsy, Gail, & Karen.


JeanSkirtGirl said...

yea that's was a lot of fun fun fun !!!! love carmencita

Egghead said...

That looks like so much fun and your cupcakes look so pretty. By the way that orange poppy seed bread was delicious.

Anonymous said...

hey whats up cuz well i have good news i don't have hpv anymore the test came out negative and the baby is doing ok and im five months now and i don't know what the sex of it yet

Miss Riya said...

I'm glad to hear that you are doing better. Take care of yourself and the little one.